属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-技术与公民自由 Technology and ci
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 甲骨文状告谷歌侵权 美联储呼吁再推刺激措施
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 波音公布新市场预测 沃尔纳出售ASDA Ci
1 | B:全国人民代表大会。立法权是全国人大最重要的职权之一。我们称之为最高国家权力机关是因为它行所有国家权力,那当然也包括立法权。 | B: The National People’s Congress. The power to make laws is one of the most important functions and powers of the National People’s Congress. The reason why we call it the highest state organ is that it covers all state powers which, of course, include the legislative power. | |
2 | 凡被选出的立法者,在通过立法前都应详细斟酌。 | The man elected to make laws are expected to deliberate before passing them. | |
3 | 国会由宪法授予制定法律的权限。 | Congress is empowered by the Constitution to make laws . | |
4 | 国家要制定法律法规,建立中央政府和地方政府分别代表国家履行出资人职责, | The state should make laws and regulations and establish a state property management system, under which the Central Government and local governments perform the responsibilities of investor on behalf of the state respectively, | |
5 | 国家要制定法律法规. | The state should make laws and regulations and establish a state property management system . | |
6 | 科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法 | to make laws through proper procedures; enforce them strictly; administer justice impartially; and ensure that everyone abides by the law to take a well-designed approach to legislation; enforce the law strictly; administer justice impartially; and ensure that everyone abides by the law | |
7 | 立法容易执法难 | It is easier to make laws than to execute them. | |
8 | 政府立法,警察执法。 | Governments make laws and the police enforce them. | |
9 | 政府是为制定法规而设立的。 | The government was set up to make laws . | |
10 | 制定法律(规章). | make laws (rules) | |
11 | ||1:不过,若在拍摄的同时进行录音便会引起一系列新的法律问题。||2:大部分的州实行关于音频记录的单方同意法,这意味着只要单方同意,录音就是合法的。||3:而在大部分须经所有当事人同意才能录音的12个州中,只有被录音的内容具有合理的隐私预期,录音才是违法的。||4:但要证明在公共场所履行职责的警察有这种权利相当困难。||5:马里兰州是须征得所有当事人同意才能录音的州,该州司法部长在2010年时写道:民众与警察的接触几乎都不会被视为隐私。 | ||1:Adding audio, however, raises a new set of legal issues.||2:Most states have single-party consent laws concerning audio recording, meaning that as long as one party consents to being recorded, the taping is legal.||3:In most of the 12 states in which all parties must consent to be recorded, a violation occurs only if the subjects being recorded have a reasonable expectation of privacy.||4:Arguing that police officers carrying out their duties in public have such a right is a challenge.||5:The attorney-general in Maryland, an all-party-consent state, wrote in 2010 that few interactions with police could be considered private. | |
12 | ||1:反对者们在做最后的斗争之前是绝不会轻易放弃的。||2:他们挥舞着调查报告称由于法律对酒类销售的放宽使其销售节节攀升并间接导致酒后驾车事故的不断增多。||3:在酒类销售限制方面没有哪个州可以跟犹他州相比,在犹他州即使烈性啤酒也只能在公营商店才能买得到。||4:犹他州白酒专营丑闻的曝光使得其严格的白酒销售网络得以被公开。||5:但是放宽酒类销售的改革还面临着诸多的压力,比如来自国会议员的反对和酒驾团体的抗议。||6:问题的棘手之处在于“白宫里的一小撮反对饮酒的摩门教徒”。 | ||1:Opponents will not give up without a fight.||2:They wield studies that point to increases in consumption and car accidents after laws are loosened.||3:But nowhere is liberalisation resisted more staunchly than in Mormon-dominated Utah, where even strong beer has to be sold through publicly owned stores.||4:Its restrictive distribution system is under the spotlight thanks to an ongoing bid-rigging scandal at the state-run alcohol monopoly.||5:But the forces arrayed against reform are strong, including the speaker of the state Senate and anti-drink-driving pressure groups.||6:The odds of privatisation are “a small fraction of those of seeing a Mormon in the White House,” sighs one lawmaker. | |
13 | ||1:旨在增加员工多样性的公司可能会受到美国政府更多的法律审查。||2:微软和富国银行都曾承诺将其黑人高管人数增加一倍。最近,美国劳工部联系了这两家公司,询问其计划是否符合禁止基于种族的招聘行为的相关律法。 | ||1:Companies aiming to increase staff diversity may be drawing more legal scrutiny from the American government.||2:Microsoft and Wells Fargo, who have both promised to double their number of black executives, were both contacted by the Department of Labour recently to inquire whether their plans comply with laws that forbid hiring practices based on race. | |
14 | 美国众议院的一个委员会指责亚马逊、苹果、Facebook和谷歌利用自身的垄断力量,将这些公司与19世纪的石油和铁路巨头相提并论,并建议对反垄断法进行彻底改革。如果民主党下个月赢得国会两院,这可能会给科技巨头们带来麻烦。 | A committee in America’s House of Representatives accused Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google of exploiting their monopoly power, comparing them to oil and railway tycoons in the 19th century, and recommended sweeping reforms to antitrust laws. That could spell trouble for the tech giants if the Democrats win both chambers of Congress next month. | |
15 | 所有这些小题大做的抱怨表明,老板们并没有变得更加糟糕,而是员工们希望他们变得更加讨人喜欢。法律禁止歧视,因特网允许人们发布怨言,而当前盛行的管理文化则强调关爱体贴。 | All this fuss suggests, not that bosses are growing more horrible, but that employees expect them to be more agreeable. Laws ban discrimination, the internet allows people to air their complaints and the prevailing management culture emphasises sensitivity. | |
16 | 1829年,塔斯马尼亚首次成立了立法机关,任命了15名人士为总督提供咨询并为殖民地立法。 | In 1829 it received its first legislative body, fifteen gentlemen being appointed to consult with the Governor and make laws for the colony. | |
17 | 对我的旅程人们一再向我指出,政府官员不参与制定法律,党的领导人取而代之。 | On my trip it was repeatedly pointed out to us that government officials don’t make laws , Party leaders do. | |
18 | 立法保障“所有权公有,使用权私有”的土地制度 | To Make Laws to Guarantee the Land System "State Ownership, Private Right to Use It" | |
19 | 你不能为一种情况,也就是世界杯,专门制定法律,你不能制定法律只为了保护一个机构的利益。 | You’re not gonna make laws for just one situation and that one situation is the World Cup. You’ll not make laws to protect one organisation. | |
20 | 我们议会是为全民制定法律的机构,我们的法律要针对所有的情况。 | We as a parliament is a government to make laws for everybody for every situation. | |
21 | 宪法设计的第二条原则是议会主权:只有议会才能制定法律。 | The second principle of constitutional design has been the sovereignty of parliament: only parliament can make laws . | |
22 | 亚力山德拉-哈尼:中央政府可以制订法律并确定政策,但执行要靠各个地方政府。 | Alexandra Harney: The central government can make laws and establish policies, but enforcement is up to local governments. | |
23 | 有一个用来解释物种膨胀的理由是,这样可以让物种灭绝的现象更直观,也更容易说服政府去制定濒危动物保护法。 | One reason for this taxonomic inflation is that the idea of a species becoming extinct is easy to grasp, and thus easy to make laws about. | |
24 | 与外国人订立协议会比与朋友制定法律更容易吗? | Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws . | |
25 | 这一机构在1829年扩大为立法会,赋权其15名组成人员为殖民地立法。 | In 1829 this was enlarged and became the Legislative Council, consisting of fifteen members, who had power to make laws for the colony. |